unit step

英 [ˈjuːnɪt step] 美 [ˈjuːnɪt step]

网络  单位阶跃; 单位阶跃信号; 单位阶跃函数; 单位步阶; 单位阶梯函数



  1. The Direct Method of Process Identification for Computer Control System by Unit Step Response
  2. In pre-matching, the searching strategy defines a gridding unit as a step with SSDA method, so it can quickly eliminate non-matching area and gain feasible area for precise-matching.
  3. A Discussion on the Use of the Unit Step Function in Analyzing Fist-Order Circuits
  4. The Discussion of Solution to Beam Deformation and Nonstatic Continuous Beam by Unit Step Function
  5. The reason is that each work unit is a step in a giant simulation, with future steps depending on past ones.
  6. This paper, using unit step response, puts forward a direct method for identifying process in computer control system.
  7. The Unit Step Function Model for Crown Diameter of Short Rotation Eucalyptus
  8. This paper describes an investigation into the influence of rise time t_f of a practical step on the determination of response time T_1 when the unit step response method is used for a high voltage impulse measuring system.
  9. The paper presents an adaptive dynamic matrix control algorithm based on the Laguerre model of the unit step response of a plant. The discrete-time state space form of the Laguerre model and the Laguerre network for calculating Laguerre model coefficients are given.
  10. Therefor, Spitz ( 1991) presented a trace interpolation approach in t x domain to conquer spatial alias, and its mathematical elementary is unit step prediction filtering technique.
  11. Finally, when inputting unit step signal, the response of different K and the optimization control rule is gained.
  12. This paper presents the input voltage shape reconstructed by FFT method from the distorted output shape and unit step response of impulse high voltage measuring system.
  13. In this paper, the mathematics model of the system is set UP based on the unit step response of the system in terms of information viewpoint, and multivariable dynamic matrix control in prediction is used in the shift stage system in synthetic ammonia plant.
  14. In this paper, the usage of the unit step function is analyzed in the solving fist order circuits. Some problems in teaching are discussed.
  15. But in this article by means of transfer function. Bode diagram and unit step response the rationality of approximate solution of this component is investigated.
  16. Two theorems about real sample absolute recording ability corresponding with unit step and continuous asymptotic activation functions in multi-layer feed-forward neural networks, respectively, are provided.
  17. The Expression of Ordinary Function in the Form of Unit Step Function
  18. The transient responses of electric intensity in a dissipative medium are also discussed for excitation of unit step function. one pulae and N-pulse.
  19. In this paper, a unit step response function is applied to identify a model of the controlled process.
  20. Using unit step function, the regression model between crown diameter growth and age of 4 Eucalyptus clones in Leizhou peninsula were tested and analyzed. The optimum step function model for all kinds of 4 Eucalyptus clones are contrasted and analyzed at the same time.
  21. The method of the system response to a unit step function input and the frequency response method are applied to researching the convertor's mathematics model and control characteristic.
  22. In general speaking, the consideration should be according to the stability, unit step response curve, unit step response eigenvalues, transition coefficient of regulating valves and relative opening.
  23. A sort of non-parameter model is constructed with the unit step response of the nuclear reactor neutron kinetics system. Furthermore, a sort of constant neutron flux density control law is presented using a predictive control algorithm.
  24. By means of the additivity principle of linear systems, the ideal input is represented to be the linear combination of unit step response starting from different sampling periods, the combination coefficients are obtained and the numerical expression of the tracking control law is given out.
  25. The control quality indexes of the control system, the maximum percent overshoot and the regulated time are found by the unit step responsive cure method.
  26. With second-order system of lacking damper, the formula of regulation time of unit step re-sponse always is a classical approximation.
  27. The Heaviside unit step function and its logical groupings are introduced, which fully describe capturing mass and escaping mass in mechanisms with intermittent motion, and a clear formula giving equations of motion for the automatic machanism is obtained.
  28. The system of unit step response model of the fuzzy PID controller and the system of unit impulse response of the fuzzy PID controller were established in MATLAB/ Simulink environment.
  29. From the design the project to the process realized, we carried out the software engineering method all the time and completed each unit step by step ( requirement analysis → outline of a design → detail of a design → coding → testing → maintenance).
  30. Through debugging repeatedly with unit step input signal, the simulation curve obtained indicates it is very good in control. This algorithm makes the real-time tracking performance of motor control better.